Updated until June 14, 2024.

Welcome to PLAY2LEARN

Reading and accepting these Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms of Use”) is mandatory for registering users on the PLAY2LEARN platform (“P2L Platform”) and for using the services provided by SKILLCORE DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SISTEMAS LTDA CNPJ nº 34.637.910/0001-00 (“SKILLCORE”).


If the user of the P2L Platform has a specific contract signed with SKILLCORE, such contract may contain more specific provisions not provided for in these Terms of Use, being the application of the latter subsidiary to the provisions of the specific contract with regard to the relationship maintained with SKILLCORE. SKILLCORE.

If you have any questions, please send an email to: p2l@skillcore.pro

0. Definitions

1. Purpose of the P2L Platform

1.1. The P2L Platform is a tool equipped with artificial intelligence technology (“AI”) that allows its users to create training and learning journeys through the creation of immersive and interactive scenarios/games to assist in teaching certain topics in the development of skills of its users in the analysis of profiles and behaviors among other applications. SKILLCORE therefore provides access and use services to the P2L Platform and licenses the right to use it and the content generated by it and made available to the user exclusively for the purposes described in these Terms of Use.

2. Ability to Register and Conditions for Using SKILLCORE Services

2.1. Registration on the P2L Platform and use of SKILLCORE Services can only be carried out by people legally qualified to assume the related obligations and responsibilities. Minors without due authorization from their legal representatives and people disqualified by SKILLCORE will not be able to carry out these activities.

2.2. Legal entities are allowed to register and contract SKILLCORE Services through a legal representative. For the registration of legal entities, the sending of corporate documents and prior approval by SKILLCORE may be required.

2.3. The contracting of P2L Platform services will be carried out individually or through a subscription through which the paying user will have access to the P2L Platform tools and in accordance with the withdrawal and cancellation rules set out in these Terms.

2.3.1. To properly contract the services offered by the P2L Platform, the paying user will need to create an account on the platform whose registration will require the provision of the following user data:

2.4. To use the services of the P2L Platform, in addition to being up to date with the subscription, the user must:

3. License to Use the P2L Platform and Content

3.1. The P2L Platform tool is equipped with its own methodology through which the user, by providing inputs that pass through the processing system of the AI ​​tool used on the platform, receives outputs, that is:

3.2. The AI ​​technology/software/algorithm of the P2L Platform and the database used in the processing as well as any content of the P2L Platform referred to in the outputs are assets created and produced by SKILLCORE itself or by third parties with whom SKILLCORE has licensing/assignment agreements such content is protected by copyright and related laws regardless of its format and method of use (video, audio, text, slideshows, etc.), commercial secrets, computer programs and other intellectual property institutes.

3.2.1. In relation to the outputs generated by the AI ​​tool of the P2L Platform, such content may be endowed with SKILLCORE's intellectual property rights or, if not understood by any legislation that regulates the topic, its use must be guided by the rules of these Terms of Use, agreeing users now that such outputs may be freely used by SKILLCORE at its sole discretion, especially to improve the tool.

3.2.2. In relation to the inputs provided by users, they agree that SKILLCORE may use them freely at its sole discretion for the purposes of improving and developing the IA P2L Platform and its tools, safeguarding any user information from your organization and your team specifically provided and thus identified.

3.3. When hiring the SKILLCORE Services the user acquires a temporary license valid for the duration of the non-exclusive subscription to use the AI ​​tool and the content made available, which includes the following mandatory conditions:

3.4. The user declares that he does not have any other title or ownership rights over the content made available to him by the P2L Platform, recognizing that in any circumstances his rights over the content will be limited by the license granted in these terms of use and by all legislation applicable to this operation.

3.5. SKILLCORE may use technological tools to verify whether the conditions defined in these Terms of Use are being met by the user who now grants authorization for this purpose.

3.6. The technology of the P2L Platform may also be updated, have its functionalities removed or increased at the sole discretion of SKILLCORE for the purpose of improving the contracted services, as well as scheduled maintenance of the platform.

3.6.1. Eventually, in the event of the above cases, SKILLCORE Services may go offline, which will be duly informed to the user if this occurs without it representing a failure in the provision of the service.

3.6.2. If the modifications implemented by SKILLCORE result in a reduction in the services offered when the user contracts the respective plan, SKILLCORE undertakes to inform the user in advance of the changes and to grant the user the right to choose to cancel the plan without paying a fine. provided for in these Terms of Use.

3.7. Users declare to be aware that due to the technologies used in SKILLCORE's Services (internet server software, etc.), minor defects may occur throughout the relationship between the Parties, including possible temporary interruption of certain SKILLCORE Services. If any situation like this occurs, SKILLCORE must be notified so that it can correct any problems found.

3.7.1. In view of the possibility of interruptions or suspensions caused by internal or external circumstances or by technical problems that do not depend on SKILLCORE, SKILLCORE is exempt from responsibility for such occurrences, however, committing to always make its best efforts to carry out the necessary corrections and restorations. of services.

4. Terms of Use Updates

4.1. SKILLCORE may modify and/or update these Terms of Use and other rules applicable to the scope of the P2L Platform at any time with a view to constantly improving its activities and providing better service to its users. Any modifications/updates will be informed to users via email, SMS notification via mobile application or by any other means of sending written messages, with a period of 10 (ten) days being granted for: (i) the Terms of Use and/or other updated/modified rules come into force and (ii) for the user to express any objection and interest in canceling their account via request to be sent to the email p2l@skillcore.pro according to the procedure described in these Terms of Use. In the absence of manifestation within the above period, the relationship between SKILLCORE and the user will be in force under the updated/modified Terms of Use and/or other rules.< /p>

5. Payment Regret and Cancellation

5.1. Payment due for the use of SKILLCORE Services will be made individually or by subscription according to plans offered by SKILLCORE. The monthly payment installments agreed for plans with greater frequency (six-monthly / annual) does not mean that the contracted plan is monthly, which will always be duly informed to the user at the time of payment.

5.2. SKILLCORE uses payment partners for sales made on the P2L Platform. Users to contract P2L Services must use the payment methods and options offered in the purchase process on the P2L Platform.

5.2.1. Fees may occasionally apply to the payment method offered by SKILLCORE's payment partners, as well as in the case of international transactions, depending on each case.

5.2.2. The user declares to be aware that the responsibility for the financial transaction carried out lies with SKILLCORE's payment partner.

5.2.3. Depending on the payment method used, payment confirmation may take up to 03 (three) business days, with access to SKILLCORE Services being released within 24 (twenty-four) hours of payment confirmation, the date of this release being considered for all the purposes as the starting date of the purchased subscription.

5.3. The user may exercise the right to cancel the subscription to the P2L Platform within 7 (seven) days from the date of access to the SKILLCORE Services upon request. in the specific “Cancel Subscription” channel available in the user profile on the P2L Platform.

5.3.1. Once the right to repentance has been exercised and accepted by SKILLCORE, reimbursement of the amounts paid may occur in the following ways:

5.4. Cancellation of the subscription to the P2L Platform may be requested by the user at any time by sending an email to p2l@skillcore.pro so that our team carry out the necessary procedures and later formalize the cancellation. Said cancellation will not result in the refund/reimbursement of the amounts paid corresponding to the period already enjoyed by the subscription, with only the balance corresponding to the remaining period of the subscription being refunded, deducting 20% ​​(twenty percent) of this remaining balance for the purpose of reimbursing administrative expenses.

5.4.1. Once the cancellation has been processed, the user will immediately lose access to the paid Services of the P2L Platform.

5.4.2. Any refund of amounts to the user in the event of cancellation will follow the refund rules set out in clause 5.3.1.

5.4.3. SKILLCORE will not provide refunds or credits for partially used subscription periods.

5.5. SKILLCORE may at any time, without reason and without prior notice, choose to cancel the user's access to the P2L Platform and the contents/tools/services made available, refunding to the user any amounts already paid proportional to the canceled period in which the content/service cannot be enjoyed by the user following the return rules in clause 5.3.1.

5.6. In the event of violation of these Terms of Use and other applicable legal provisions, SKILLCORE may immediately cancel the user's access to the P2L Platform without any obligation to return any amounts paid and without prejudice to the application of the fines provided for herein. and any losses and damages incurred.

6. Responsibility for the Use of the P2L Platform

6.1. The P2L Platform provides a tool equipped with AI technology which is constantly evolving and improving in addition to having its own self-learning dynamics. In this sense, the user declares to understand that:

6.2. In addition to the other obligations set out in these Terms of Use and other applicable rules, users registered on the P2L Platform expressly undertake to:

6.2.1. Each user is responsible for their account on the P2L Platform, their data, passwords and information used to create and use the account.

6.3. The proven violation of the obligations assumed by the user may result in the application of the sanctions provided for in the respective topic in these Terms of Use by SKILLCORE without prejudice to other legal measures applicable as the case may be.

6.4. In the event that SKILLCORE is held responsible for acts and consequences caused exclusively by users of its platform, they undertake to offer full support to any extrajudicial and/or judicial defense of SKILLCORE, as well as to compensate SKILLCORE for any losses that the company, companies in the same group, its partners, employees and service providers may suffer in the face of this situation, such as, but not limited to, the payment of compensation, lawyers' fees, legal costs, among others.

7. Privacy and Protection of Personal Data

7.1. SKILLCORE will always respect the privacy and protection of its users' personal data, which is why it has an exclusive Privacy Policy to deal with these issues, which is fully accepted and must be fully respected by users of the P2L Platform.

8. Intellectual Property

8.1. On the P2L Platform in the SKILLCORE Services and commercialized products, various inventions and creations whose intellectual property rights belong exclusively to SKILLCORE are used and made available, such as, but not limited to: brands and their derivations, slogans, the design of the website and the mobile application, the source codes used on the platform, the databases, the business model, the content (audio and video text) created and published by SKILLCORE, the advertisements broadcast by SKILLCORE, the domain names and their variations, the outputs generated by the tool, among others. Any type of use of these creations and inventions, partial or total, identical or modified outside the objectives of these Terms of Use depends on prior and express authorization from SKILLCORE, with unauthorized use promoted by users being subject to suspension and exclusion from the platform in addition to applicable civil and criminal measures. for the due protection of SKILLCORE's rights.

9. Inspection and Penalties

9.1. SKILLCORE may access, preserve and disclose any information and data present on its platform that it deems essential for:

9.1.1. The above activities will be carried out in accordance with the platform's Privacy Policy.

9.2. SKILLCORE is the legitimate owner of the P2L Platform, having full freedom and autonomy to promote punishment through warning, suspension and/or exclusion of users from its system in the event of violation of the rules, within the legal limits imposed by the Brazilian Constitution and national laws. provided for in these Terms of Use and other rules applicable within the scope of the platform.

9.2.1. The following conduct will be grounds for suspension or exclusion of a user from the platform depending on the severity of each case determined by SKILLCORE:

9.2.2. SKILLCORE, except in cases of undeniable seriousness and imminent risk or when the type of penalty to be imposed has already been previously determined, will always provide the opportunity for the user to justify themselves and correct allegedly irregular conduct before applying suspension and exclusion decisions from the platform. .

9.2.3. In addition to the penalties above, SKILLCORE may also adopt extrajudicial and judicial measures to enforce these Terms of Use and other rules applicable to the existing relationship with its users.

10. General Provisions

10.1. Tolerance of eventual non-compliance with any rules and conditions set out in this instrument and in other rules applicable to the scope of the P2L Platform will not be considered a novation of the obligations assumed by users and SKILLCORE may at any time prevent or adopt measures to require due compliance with them.

10.2. Any and all communication regarding possible non-compliance with these Terms of Use and other rules applicable to the scope of the platform will be made in writing, preferably: (i) by email (ii) electronic messaging system (iii) letter with AR or (iv) any other means capable of transmitting the communication and making the recipient aware of its content directed to the addresses provided by the user who undertakes to always keep them up to date.

10.3. The laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil apply to these Terms of Use and other regulatory documents applicable to the scope of the P2L Platform.

10.4. The jurisdiction of the district of Curitiba/PR Brazil is competent for any problems arising from the application and interpretation of these Terms of Use and other regulatory documents applicable to the scope of the P2L Platform.

11. Contact

11.1. To contact SKILLCORE, the user can use the addresses below:

Email: p2l@skillcore.pro