SKILLCORE places great importance on protecting the privacy of its users and it is for this reason that we pay great attention to the way in which we treat the personal data of our users. To this end, we have developed this Privacy Policy that describes how we treat personal information and data on our platform. By using our services, the user understands and declares to be aware that their personal data and information will be collected and used as described in this Privacy Policy.

If the user or their organization has signed a specific/individual contract with SKILLCORE, said contract may contain specific provisions on privacy that complement, restrict or even expand the rules present in this Privacy Policy. For this reason, it is essential that the user reviews the content of said contract so that they are fully aware of the duties and obligations assumed.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites, applications, services and products that the user may have access to through the P2L Platform and its services. Therefore, we warn the user to always read the Privacy Policies and Terms of Use of third parties before accepting any offer.

The P2L Platform is a tool equipped with artificial intelligence technology (“AI”) that allows its users to create training and learning journeys through the creation of immersive and interactive scenarios/games to assist in teaching certain topics in the development of its users' skills in analyzing profiles and behaviors, among other applications. SKILLCORE therefore provides access and use services to the P2L Platform and licenses the right to use it and the content generated by it and made available to the user exclusively for the purposes described in their respective Terms of Use. In this sense, our services necessarily include registration of users and the offer of payment methods for operations on our platform. For this reason, the provision of some personal data strictly for the purposes proposed on this platform will be necessary following the rules of this Privacy Policy.

Out of respect for our users, we adopt the concept of privacy by design as one of the pillars of our business, that is, we collect and process only the personal data essential for the service we provide. If there is any type of change in our business model that requires the use of other personal data from our users, we will always inform our users in advance about this so that they can choose to maintain their subscription.

It is important that you read this entire Privacy Policy, but if you have any specific interests, we have prepared a summary below to facilitate your navigation through this instrument:


Personal Data Collection

In order for SKILLCORE services to be provided with efficiency and quality and always aiming for constant improvement, as well as to support our advertising and marketing activities, we collect personal data and information from our users from the devices they use and from your location.

This collection can take place directly and voluntarily when users fill out forms with their personal data. This collection can also be done automatically by SKILLCORE, especially data/information about electronic devices, internet browsers used and their locations without a form being filled out for this purpose. SKILLCORE may also collect user data/information through other sources for which the user has authorized the sharing of personal data (e.g. when the user registers via social media API) or collect public personal data.

Visiting our websites, installing our mobile applications and providing personal data are optional, but to use some of SKILLCORE's services the provision of certain personal data is essential, such as contracting a subscription to the P2L Platform.< /p>

2.1. Collection of Personal Data provided by the User

SKILLCORE collects personal data provided by the user when the user:

The personal data that may be collected in this way by SKILLCORE are:

All data collected will be incorporated into the SKILLCORE database, which will be responsible for its storage.

2.2. Automatic Personal Data Collection

SKILLCORE automatically collects data from the user and your device when you use our services and/or when you access our platform. We collect this information to understand how you use our services and electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets and others. The data that may be collected in this way by SKILLCORE are:

2.3. Cookies and similar technologies

SKILLCORE may use cookies or similar/related technologies (e.g. tracking pixels, web beacons) to store and collect information.

SKILLCORE also allows third parties to use cookies and similar technologies in conjunction with our services for the following purposes:

2.4. Data collected from Third Parties

SKILLCORE may collect data about its users from other sources such as:

3. Data Processing

As noted above, SKILLCORE collects and uses data from its users (only those that are minimally necessary) with a single, clear purpose: to provide an efficient, high-quality service with constant improvement. In this sense, below are examples of the purposes for which the collected data is used:

SKILLCORE may also adopt measures to remove and/or anonymize part of data to avoid identification of the holder to which this Privacy Policy does not apply.

3.1. Authorizing Hypotheses

SKILLCORE normally processes personal data (i) only when there is clear consent to do so (ii) when we need the information to perform our functions related to the services contracted and accepted by users (iii) when there are legal obligations that require it or (iv) when the processing of this data is based on our legitimate interests and without this representing a violation of the rights of our users. In certain cases however we will have a legal obligation to collect and/or retain personal data to protect the vital interests of our users.

4. Data Sharing

SKILLCORE in certain situations may share the data collected. Below are these situations:

5. Data Guard/Retention

THE SKILLCORE will keep the personal data collected only for the period in which it is necessary for the purposes of its processing, which may vary depending on the processing carried out or until the request for removal/deletion of data made by the holder, except for any legal requirements for storing information such as but not limited to those provided for in Law No. 12,965/2014 (Marco Civil da Internet).

If there are technical limitations that prevent the deletion or anonymization of personal data, SKILLCORE will make every effort to protect such data and limit its access and use.

6. Holder Data Limitation/Change Options

The data subject who uses the licenses and services offered by SKILLCORE has options to change and limit the collection and use of their data as per the examples below:

7. Other Rights of the Holder

In addition to the rights provided for in other topics of this Privacy Policy, holders will enjoy the following rights that will be fully met by SKILLCORE within its operational and technical capabilities and within reasonably expected deadlines:

To exercise these and other rights, any interested party may contact SKILLCORE through its privacy department.

SKILLCORE may delay the fulfillment of requests made by users based on the rights above if there is any pending issue on the part of the user that could result in losses to SKILLCORE and/or third parties.

8. Provision of personal data in the inputs of the P2L Platform

Due to the characteristics of the AI ​​tool made available by the P2L Platform, the user will be free to provide the inputs they deem necessary to obtain the desired outputs, which may include any personal data of themselves or third parties.

P2L suggests that the user does not provide personal data, especially from third parties, in the inputs formulated for the P2L Platform. If the user does so, they declare and guarantee that they have the necessary prerogatives to provide the personal data they provide to the P2L Platform so that they can be processed by SKILLCORE, assuming full responsibility for any breach of this guarantee.

SKILLCORE may, if it deems it appropriate and following its operating guidelines, reject or adopt anonymization techniques and similar techniques for personal data listed in the inputs provided by its users, which may affect the results of the outputs generated by the P2L Platform.


9. Children's Data

The P2L platform was not developed for children. Therefore, SKILLCORE does not intentionally request or collect data from children, nor does it intentionally allow children to use its platform.

When the holders are registered, they will confirm that they have full legal capacity to assume commitments.

SKILLCORE will immediately delete data that has access to it and that belongs to children. In this same sense, SKILLCORE encourages all its users to report situations that may involve children's data on our platform and forward the report to our privacy department according to the account details below.

10. Security and Protection Measures

To keep our users' information safe, SKILLCORE uses physical tools (e.g.: different electronic storage environments (e.g., encryption firewalls) and administrative tools (e.g., access hierarchy, access control).< /p>

The SKILLCORE team is fully aware of this Privacy Policy and only qualified and authorized personnel are allowed to access the personal data processed under penalty of suffering disciplinary action in case of violation of the rules set out here.

In this same sense, SKILLCORE demands from its suppliers and partners the guarantee of protection and privacy of data assured in this Privacy Policy when those who in any way have access to personal data processed by SKILLCORE.

However, despite adopting various protection and security mechanisms, the internet and our services are not 100% secure. For this reason, we cannot guarantee that the data we process will always be protected from unauthorized access and use.

SKILLCORE undertakes to, whenever a possible failure is found and the resulting data leak occurs, to communicate to the affected or possibly affected holders, explaining the nature of the event that occurred, the possible leaked data and explaining what measures will be taken in view of the communicated situation, offering a broad support your users.

11. Changes to this Privacy Policy

SKILLCORE may change this Privacy Policy to comply with possible legal changes as well as possible changes in our organization, services, data processing practices and technologies employed by SKILLCORE.

Eventual substantial changes to this Privacy Policy that affect in any way the rights of holders of personal data processed by SKILLCORE will be notified to the holders by email and/or another form of communication chosen by the holder.

12. SKILLCORE's Business Secret

SKILLCORE uses a series of methods, planning, plans, source codes, algorithms, structures, information and other knowledge developed and acquired throughout the creation of your business, which are true competitive differentiators. A large part of this set of assets that are not public knowledge form a SKILLCORE business secret, which is kept completely confidential in SKILLCORE's operations and is fully known only to key people in the company and which have signed secrecy and confidentiality terms which provide for serious penalties in the case of undue disclosure.

In this way, it must be made clear to holders of personal data processed by SKILLCORE that some of their data is processed using tools made up of this business secret, which must be respected when making any requests for disclosure and/or provision of information. . For this reason, sometimes the information requested by the holder cannot be provided in full and/or in the desired format without prejudice to the rights of the holder of personal data.

13. Contact

SKILLCORE has a specific department to deal with any and all issues related to Privacy and Protection of Personal Data. For questions, complaints or any other contact related to this topic, interested parties can contact our privacy department through the channels below:


14. General Provisions

Applies to any issue arising from this Privacy Policy and any issues related to the protection of personal data under Brazilian Law.

All those who are in any way interested in demanding from SKILLCORE any rights related to the protection of personal data submit themselves to the Court of the District of Curitiba/PR.